Special Risks
We strive at providing the right protection according to your needs. Depending on your own specification and circumstances, you may require the protection available under special risks policies.
About this product
SICOM Special Risks provides you peace of mind and protection for the following: Banker’s Indemnity, Bonds, Crime Insurance, Directors and Officers, Liability, Kidnap & Ransom, Product Liability, Professional Indemnity, Cyber & Data Privacy Liability, Terrorism & Sabotage.
Banker's Indeminity
Intended for financial institutions involved in the storage, handling and management of money
Professional Indemnity
Legal liability to third parties arising out of injury or damage caused in the course of its business
Special Risks Coverage
Wide range of covers available for corporate bodies on sensitive matters
Product Features
Why opt for SICOM Special Risks Cover?
Banker’s Indemnity
The Banker’s Indemnity policy is intended for banks and other financial institutions involved in the storage, handling and management of money in case of Dishonest or fraudulent acts by employees, Forgery or alteration, Counterfeit currency amongst others
A bond is a written guarantee by the surety, the Insurer, that he will guarantee the performance of the obligations of the applicant. Bonds are often required in conjunction with tendering for a contract, the performance of duties
Crime Insurance
Crime Insurance offers protection against losses following employee dishonesty including theft, forgery, fraud, embezzlement, computer fraud, counterfeiting and other such criminal acts
Directors & Officers Liability
Directors and officers of a company are bound by their duty in their corporate positions. The cover provides financial protection for the directors and officers in case they are sued following any breach or non-performance of their duty
Kidnap & Ransom
A Kidnap & Ransom policy reimburses insured losses suffered during a Kidnap, Extortion, Products Extortion, Detention or Hijack
Product Liability
This policy covers legal liability to third parties arising out of injury or damage caused by a product sold, manufactured, repaired, supplied, altered, treated or installed by the Insured in the course of its business
Professional Indemnity
Indemnity to pay damages when providing professional advice, designs or services to clients if your client suffers financial loss as a result of your negligence, errors or ommision
Terrorism & Sabotage
Terrorism and Sabotage are usually standard exclusions under Property insurances. Cover is available in respect of these perils under the specialized Terrorism and Sabotage insurance
Other Insurances
Cover for Livestock, Event Cancellation & Extended Warranty. Other insurances can be tailor-made according to your specific risk exposure
( Terms and conditions apply)*
Useful Information
Members of Corporate Bodies
Banker's Indeminity
Intended for financial institutions involved in the storage, handling and management of money
Professional Indemnity
Legal liability to third parties arising out of injury or damage caused in the course of its business
Special Risks Coverage
Wide range of covers available for corporate bodies on sensitive matters
This product is offered by: SICOM General Insurance Ltd
FSC License No: IS10000004