<span class="icon-sidebar"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="23.954" height="24.299" viewBox="0 0 23.954 24.299"><path id="Union_20" data-name="Union 20" d="M-6740.643-22157.494c.435.027.874.035,1.311.025-.389.006-.78,0-1.166-.025-.017-.01-.034-.023-.052-.035l-.143-.01a1.157,1.157,0,0,1-.467-.584,1.042,1.042,0,0,1-.212-.584,10.073,10.073,0,0,0,1.164.045c3.69-.045,6.607-1.07,6.658-4.275.095-4.23-7.921-8.117-7.142-12.254.539-3,3.825-3.033,4.726-2.953a22.2,22.2,0,0,1,6.157.672,17.025,17.025,0,0,1,4.036,1.119v17.7a28.629,28.629,0,0,1-6.318,1.555h-.095c-.685.1-1.408.193-2.138.244-.295.045-.584.045-.874.1a12.138,12.138,0,0,1-1.508.094A8.153,8.153,0,0,1-6740.643-22157.494Zm-5.25-2.723a20.148,20.148,0,0,1-3.835-1.113v-17.6a29.358,29.358,0,0,1,6.118-1.6h-.095c.679-.1,1.408-.193,2.138-.244.29-.045.579-.045.874-.1a9.4,9.4,0,0,1,5.438.73c-.4-.025-.8-.033-1.2-.027h.042c.388-.006.777,0,1.162.027a1.066,1.066,0,0,1,.584,1.012.441.441,0,0,0,.05.006l-.05,0v0c-.164-.02-.327-.031-.49-.039,0,.014,0,.025,0,.039a7.024,7.024,0,0,0-.782-.047c-.544.01-1.084.043-1.609.1-2.991.334-5.475,1.52-5.475,4.227,0,3.936,7.676,8.217,7.676,12.152,0,2.426-2.413,3.2-5.211,3.2A22.706,22.706,0,0,1-6745.892-22160.217Zm9.959-.873a3.73,3.73,0,0,0,.245-1.314A3.73,3.73,0,0,1-6735.933-22161.09Zm.245-1.314c0-1.8-1.372-3.482-2.975-,5.839,0,0,1-.525-1.545c0,.008,0,.018,0,.025a5.653,5.653,0,0,0,.385,1.244C-6743.1-22173.059-6743.06-22172.967-6743.011-22172.875Zm-.064-1.971a3.178,3.178,0,0,0,.022.371,3.178,3.178,0,0,1-.022-.371Z" transform="translate(6749.728 22180.969)" fill="#219ddd"></path></svg> </span>About SICOM Group
<span class="icon-sidebar"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="27.206" height="27.188" viewBox="0 0 27.206 27.188"><path id="Union_21" data-name="Union 21" d="M12083.827-6016.816a2.018,2.018,0,0,1-2.2-2.194c-.006-1.15-.009-2.3,0-3.445a2.027,2.027,0,0,1,2.146-2.143c.538-.009,1.081-.012,1.621-.012l.786-.006c0-.052,0-.1.006-.158a3.156,3.156,0,0,0-.018-.7.625.625,0,0,0-.689-.522l-10.972,0c-.488,0-.725.246-.743.765-.006.17,0,.34,0,.534v.1H12076a2.1,2.1,0,0,1,2.37,2.358c.007,1.147.01,2.176,0,3.205a2.053,2.053,0,0,1-2.255,2.222l-3.189,0q-1.875,0-3.751-.006a2.038,2.038,0,0,1-2.273-2.246q-.019-1.693,0-3.387a2.029,2.029,0,0,1,2.143-2.146c.334-.006,1.806-.006,1.806-.006h.635v-.553a3.007,3.007,0,0,1,3.123-3.123c.619-.006,2.343-.006,4.225-.006h6.17c2.331,0,3.436,1.083,3.487,3.405l.012.276,2.234,0a2.121,2.121,0,0,1,2.36,2.367v.477c0,.911.007,1.818,0,2.729a2.047,2.047,0,0,1-2.2,2.212l-3.15,0Q12085.784-6016.81,12083.827-6016.816Zm.079-2.292h6.868v-3.168h-6.868Zm-14.717,0h6.862v-3.181h-6.862Zm8.371-10.574a2.2,2.2,0,0,1-1.728-.753,2.228,2.228,0,0,1-.379-1.867l.121-.628c.125-.644.252-1.287.389-1.927a1.981,1.981,0,0,1,1.931-1.685q1.05-.031,2.105-.033c.684,0,1.369.012,2.055.03a1.965,1.965,0,0,1,1.942,1.66c.2.886.386,1.782.547,2.677a2.124,2.124,0,0,1-.4,1.763,2.149,2.149,0,0,1-1.653.759c-.322.009-.646.012-.969.012Zm.14-2.316h4.57l-.07-.358c-.118-.616-.233-1.211-.367-1.8a.274.274,0,0,0-.112-.112c-.707-.009-2.952-.012-2.952-.012h-.613Zm2.272-5.047a2.945,2.945,0,0,1-2.1-.9,2.97,2.97,0,0,1-.847-2.146,2.985,2.985,0,0,1,2.977-2.9,2.973,2.973,0,0,1,2.953,3.014,2.946,2.946,0,0,1-2.956,2.938Zm-.7-3.654a.957.957,0,0,0-.285.692,1.023,1.023,0,0,0,1.011.98,1.033,1.033,0,0,0,1.008-.98,1,1,0,0,0-.978-1H12080A1.024,1.024,0,0,0,12079.271-6040.7Z" transform="translate(-12066.39 6043.499)" fill="#3e414d" stroke="rgba(0,0,0,0)" stroke-width="1"></path></svg> </span>Group Structure
<span class="icon-sidebar"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="27.539" height="22.149" viewBox="0 0 27.539 22.149"><path id="Path_10771" data-name="Path 10771" d="M27.183,8.015l-6.727-6.72a1.1,1.1,0,0,0-.748-.4,1.125,1.125,0,0,0-.758.412l-.791.794c-.449.456-.9.91-1.362,1.349a1.331,1.331,0,0,0-.,0,0,0,.128.5c-.27.094-.518.182-.771.26-.136.043-.275.076-.416.11a5.229,5.229,0,0,0-.954.306s-.031,0-.127-.1a4.2,4.2,0,0,0-2.325-1.2,5.394,5.394,0,0,1-.831-.257l-.052-.018c.294-.564.2-.815-.331-1.348Q9.515,1.5,8.414.407A1.132,1.132,0,0,0,7.654,0a1.091,1.091,0,0,0-.746.4Q3.654,3.725.41,7.055a.94.94,0,0,0,0,1.554q1.071,1.085,2.154,2.157c.321.32.535.532.844.532a1.073,1.073,0,0,0,.576-.216c.,4.55,0,0,0,5.4,14.229a3.123,3.123,0,0,0-.962,2.383A2.466,2.466,0,0,0,5.8,18.2a2.592,2.592,0,0,0,.5,1.979,2.171,2.171,0,0,0,1.7.631c.129,0,.263-.006.405-.019a2.091,2.091,0,0,0,1.872,1.339,3.373,3.373,0,0,0,2.073-.93,3.25,3.25,0,0,0,1.988.945,2.35,2.35,0,0,0,1.819-1.121,2.605,2.605,0,0,0,1.042.238,2.322,2.322,0,0,0,2-1.352,3.448,3.448,0,0,0,.358.019,2.273,2.273,0,0,0,1.792-.782,2.52,2.52,0,0,0,.516-1.937,2.175,2.175,0,0,0,1.1-2.962A.889.889,0,0,1,23,14.043c.142-.478.287-.957.449-1.431.077-.229.168-.453.267-.7a.941.941,0,0,0,.474.138,1.2,1.2,0,0,0,.848-.461c.687-.739,1.407-1.446,2.139-2.145a1,1,0,0,0,.358-.706,1.023,1.023,0,0,0-.356-.728M9.007,3.429,3.443,8.99,2.3,7.833,7.867,2.261Zm8.347,8.832a1.162,1.162,0,0,0-.8-.435.832.832,0,0,0-.593.275.793.793,0,0,0-.247.808,1.424,1.424,0,0,0,.4.587c1.227,1.223,2.453,2.449,3.705,3.705a1.089,1.089,0,0,1,.239.3c.133.4-.066.527-.13.569a.547.547,0,0,1-.279.089.565.565,0,0,1-.389-.186c-.364-.354-.724-.715-1.083-1.077l-1.3-1.3c-.79-.791-1.578-1.584-2.377-2.365a1.42,1.42,0,0,0-.848-.413.879.879,0,0,0-.749.613,1.149,1.149,0,0,0,.274.915c.808.837,1.631,1.656,2.456,2.476l1.624,1.623c.248.249.447.631.194.887a.347.347,0,0,1-.252.107.991.991,0,0,1-.629-.341l-4.091-4.086a.962.962,0,0,0-.679-.319.853.853,0,0,0-.6.263.843.843,0,0,0-.281.6.979.979,0,0,0,.337.7l3.171,3.176c.439.444.222.677.141.763a.386.386,0,0,1-.288.139.764.764,0,0,1-.493-.262l-7.055-6.99a2.858,2.858,0,0,1-.793-1.473,10.261,10.261,0,0,0-.457-1.388c-.049-.129-.1-.26-.147-.39l4.507-4.5.542.159c.575.165,1.141.327,1.7.527a4.207,4.207,0,0,1,.76.411l.013.009L10.3,8.053a4.878,4.878,0,0,0-.5.35,2.1,2.1,0,0,0-.5,2.768,2.046,2.046,0,0,0,1.78,1.07,2.262,2.262,0,0,0,.877-.183c1.438-.6,2.873-1.212,4.294-1.848a.589.589,0,0,1,.207-.058c.034,0,.094,0,.247.155,1.034,1.055,2.081,2.1,3.127,3.143L21,14.615c.,0,0,1-.,0,0,1-.5-.275q-1.563-1.555-3.119-3.119M7.593,18.41c.244-.29.51-.563.789-.85l.147-.152.679.709-.13.111c-.314.269-.629.54-.967.78a.462.462,0,0,1-.262.1.418.418,0,0,1-.309-.164c-.071-.079-.2-.225.053-.529M6.206,16.295c-.083-.275.046-.423.408-.745a.177.177,0,0,1,.028-.026l.653.68a.8.8,0,0,1-.647.383H6.608a.718.718,0,0,1-.4-.293M20.549,11.7c-1.033-1.032-2.07-2.062-3.092-3.105a1.087,1.087,0,0,0-.79-.376,1.332,1.332,0,0,0-.544.133c-1.065.482-2.138.948-3.21,1.414l-1.331.585a1.8,1.8,0,0,1-.219.093.928.928,0,0,1-.243.037.376.376,0,0,1-.372-.239c-.043-.088-.17-.355.2-.59.417-.262.839-.515,1.261-.769l1.229-.75c.46-.288.919-.576,1.4-.826A4.8,4.8,0,0,1,15.658,7c.169-.052.34-.1.5-.165.387-.142,1.547-.587,1.547-.587l4.52,4.519L21.5,12.653c-.012-.014-.954-.952-.954-.952m-9.562,8.271c-.194.271-.3.4-.562.4h-.043a.685.685,0,0,1-.407-.3c-.085-.244.015-.371.325-.667l.088-.087.618.634-.021.027M25.207,8.8l-1.15,1.113L18.472,4.325l1.148-1.1Z" transform="translate(0)" fill="#3e414d"></path></svg> </span>Our Business Lines
<span class="icon-sidebar"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24.997" height="23.819" viewBox="0 0 24.997 23.819"><path id="Union_22" data-name="Union 22" d="M12307.736-5112.18a1.737,1.737,0,0,1-1.735-1.736v-4.4a3.2,3.2,0,0,1,3.2-3.2h3.667c.077,0,.151,0,.227.009a3.2,3.2,0,0,1,2.7-1.476h4.412a3.2,3.2,0,0,1,2.705,1.476c.077-.006.151-.009.226-.009h3.667a3.2,3.2,0,0,1,3.2,3.2v4.4a1.736,1.736,0,0,1-1.732,1.736Zm15.665-2.005h4.6v-4.131a1.2,1.2,0,0,0-1.2-1.2h-3.4Zm-8.8-5.6v5.6h6.8v-5.6a1.2,1.2,0,0,0-1.2-1.2h-4.4A1.2,1.2,0,0,0,12314.6-5119.783Zm-6.6,1.467v4.131h4.6v-5.329h-3.4A1.2,1.2,0,0,0,12308-5118.316Zm9-.733a1,1,0,0,1,1-1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1-1,1A1,1,0,0,1,12317-5119.05Zm3.955-5.255a5.716,5.716,0,0,1-2.955.817,5.731,5.731,0,0,1-2.952-.817,4.646,4.646,0,0,1-4.02,2.29,4.65,4.65,0,0,1-1.782-.353,4.676,4.676,0,0,1-2.525-6.1,4.65,4.65,0,0,1,4.313-2.881,4.629,4.629,0,0,1,1.51.251,5.74,5.74,0,0,1,3.868-3.68A5.8,5.8,0,0,1,12318-5135a5.8,5.8,0,0,1,5.456,3.9,4.646,4.646,0,0,1,1.513-.251,4.64,4.64,0,0,1,4.156,2.547,4.668,4.668,0,0,1-2.036,6.276,4.593,4.593,0,0,1-2.117.51A4.646,4.646,0,0,1,12320.953-5124.3Zm-9.942-5.047a2.667,2.667,0,0,0-2.655,2.677,2.67,2.67,0,0,0,2.668,2.652,2.665,2.665,0,0,0,2.469-1.643,5.775,5.775,0,0,1-1.256-3.395,2.669,2.669,0,0,0-1.217-.291v-.266Zm12.752.291a5.766,5.766,0,0,1-1.256,3.395,2.665,2.665,0,0,0,2.451,1.634,2.668,2.668,0,0,0,2.673-2.655,2.636,2.636,0,0,0-.355-1.325,2.677,2.677,0,0,0-2.312-1.337A2.661,2.661,0,0,0,12323.763-5129.061Zm-9.527-.2a3.768,3.768,0,0,0,3.763,3.766,3.77,3.77,0,0,0,3.77-3.766,3.769,3.769,0,0,0-3.77-3.763A3.767,3.767,0,0,0,12314.235-5129.256Z" transform="translate(-12305.501 5135.499)" fill="#3e414d" stroke="rgba(0,0,0,0)" stroke-width="1"></path></svg> </span>Board of Directors
<span class="icon-sidebar"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24.332" height="29.531" viewBox="0 0 24.332 29.531"><path id="Union_23" data-name="Union 23" d="M12066-6232.77v-7.146c.006-3.074,1.311-4.821,4.229-5.671.859-.249,1.729-.452,2.616-.662l1.586-.382,1.642,3.489.419-2.882h3.362l.249,2.619c.339-.729.679-1.459,1-2.2a1.144,1.144,0,0,1,1.05-.8,1.653,1.653,0,0,1,.452.073c.473.134.952.252,1.432.367a23.336,23.336,0,0,1,2.9.856,4.8,4.8,0,0,1,3.065,4.587c.054,1.663.039,3.323.026,4.985l-.012,2.1-.042.209-.095.355-.392.1Zm7.349-11.648c-.4.115-.81.216-1.22.319a17.831,17.831,0,0,0-1.975.561,3.092,3.092,0,0,0-2.252,2.843c-.061,1.52-.049,3.016-.033,,1.047.012,1.569h2.131v-3.483h1.838v3.474h6.181s-.673-1.311-.719-1.411l-.729-1.578q-1.575-3.395-3.137-6.8l-.01-.106A.3.3,0,0,0,12073.348-6244.418Zm12.687,6.415v3.465h2.114l0-1.468c0-1.5.007-2.974-.009-4.448a2.852,2.852,0,0,0-1.532-2.673,17.556,17.556,0,0,0-2.552-.88c-.446-.127-.9-.258-1.332-.4a.135.135,0,0,0-.061-.019c-.043,0-.07.042-.112.137-.652,1.457-1.323,2.9-1.993,4.351l-2.513,5.4h6.132V-6238Zm-8.077-5.461c-.143.958-.285,1.9-.416,2.849a1.844,1.844,0,0,0-.039.679c.137.376.3.741.473,1.12a6.141,6.141,0,0,0,.289-.673,3.5,3.5,0,0,0,.209-1.125c0-.5-.049-1-.094-1.5l-.2-2.012h-.125Zm-2.949-5.143a9.288,9.288,0,0,1-3.116-8.223,6.1,6.1,0,0,1,6.02-5.17,6.388,6.388,0,0,1,4.977,2.339,6.5,6.5,0,0,1,1.2,5.416,10.322,10.322,0,0,1-2.822,5.434,4.7,4.7,0,0,1-3.258,1.523A4.352,4.352,0,0,1,12075.008-6248.608Zm1.229-1.4a2.736,2.736,0,0,0,1.8.819,2.818,2.818,0,0,0,1.96-.992,8.311,8.311,0,0,0,2.248-4.391,9.97,9.97,0,0,0,.124-1.32c0-.042.007-.088.007-.134-.1.006-.2.009-.3.009a4.137,4.137,0,0,1-2.879-1.092,7.662,7.662,0,0,1-4.722,1.578q-.41,0-.838-.036A8.161,8.161,0,0,0,12076.236-6250.01Zm1.411-10.128a4.345,4.345,0,0,0-3.672,2.731q.311.027.61.027a6.035,6.035,0,0,0,4.47-2.018l.382-.395.334.434c.789,1.032,1.456,1.514,2.1,1.521a4.435,4.435,0,0,0-3.859-2.318A3.61,3.61,0,0,0,12077.647-6260.139Z" transform="translate(-12065.849 6262.151)" fill="#3e414d" stroke="#3e414d" stroke-width="0.3"></path></svg> </span>Management Team
<span class="icon-sidebar"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="26.61" height="23.391" viewBox="0 0 26.61 23.391"><path id="Path_10783" data-name="Path 10783" d="M25.6,8.08V6.33a2.195,2.195,0,0,0-2.439-2.452H17.3V3.74c0-.385.007-.741-.006-1.1A2.526,2.526,0,0,0,14.575,0H11.128A2.557,2.557,0,0,0,8.307,2.818V3.876H2.548C.813,3.878,0,4.692,0,6.44v4.145c0,1.137.095,1.362,1.06,1.726,0,0-.009,6-.006,7.777a2.11,2.11,0,0,0,2.288,2.3l9.419,0,9.419,0A2.128,2.128,0,0,0,24.548,20v-.538c0-2.333,0-4.666-.009-7,0-.135.017-.172.085-.185a1.176,1.176,0,0,0,.983-1.324C25.594,10,25.6,9.038,25.6,8.08M15.584,2.548c.026.378.019.758.013,1.154v.155H10.031l0-.177a10.176,10.176,0,0,1,.022-1.275.712.712,0,0,1,.772-.692q1.04-.019,2.083-.02.911,0,1.82.016a.8.8,0,0,1,.859.838m-.368,10.057a.963.963,0,0,0-.716-.261H11.214a.992.992,0,0,0-.742.273,1.015,1.015,0,0,0-.253.774c0,.,10.745V9.633c0-1.2-.006-2.4.009-3.591,0-.279.078-.425.484-.449l.2-.006H23.057c.794,0,.834.039.834.83v4.326L15.476,13.7v-.356a.994.994,0,0,0-.26-.739m-12.46.3,3.329,1.164c1.344.469,2.689.937,4.039,1.393l.1.169a1.318,1.318,0,0,0,.06.768c.034.069.345.676.837.693.619.022,1.238.029,1.858.029.536,0,1.07-.006,1.6-.011.576,0,.877-.36.9-1.06a2.806,2.806,0,0,1,.043-.551,2.779,2.779,0,0,1,.534-.214s6.752-2.362,6.809-2.379v7.006c0,.719-.053.771-.785.771H3.565a1.312,1.312,0,0,1-.718-.112,1.313,1.313,0,0,1-.111-.721c0-1.973.02-6.946.02-6.946m8.552.645H14.38v2.313H11.309Z" transform="translate(0.5 0.5)" fill="#3e414d" stroke="#3e414d" stroke-width="1"></path></svg> </span>Corporate Governance
<span class="icon-sidebar"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24.497" height="26.506" viewBox="0 0 24.497 26.506"><path id="Union_24" data-name="Union 24" d="M12069.069-6385c-2.151,0-3.07-.78-3.07-2.606v-20.781c0-1.833.919-2.616,3.067-2.616h17.9c2.1,0,3.034.8,3.034,2.579v20.9c0,1.724-.94,2.524-2.961,2.524l-11.977,0Zm-.2-2.018h18.114a3.4,3.4,0,0,0,.625-.036c-.009-.034-.009-.376-.009-.492l0-21.027a1.2,1.2,0,0,0-.037-.419c0,.012-.009.015-.051.015-.062,0-.183-.006-.386-.006h-18.254a1.82,1.82,0,0,0-.47.033h0a3.1,3.1,0,0,1-.01.315q-.009,10.6,0,21.2a1.114,1.114,0,0,0,.04.413c0-.009.006-.009.03-.009C12068.515-6387.024,12068.636-6387.015,12068.872-6387.015Zm5.92-2.946c-1.123,0-2.245,0-3.365-.015a1.63,1.63,0,0,1-1.259-.564,1.109,1.109,0,0,1-.158-1,1.167,1.167,0,0,1,.8-.719,2.71,2.71,0,0,1,.8-.091l12.889-.006.177.006c.9.058,1.353.467,1.341,1.21-.006.44-.194,1.18-1.387,1.18Zm9.755-5.243-13.277-.006c-.822-.021-1.311-.467-1.311-1.189a1.173,1.173,0,0,1,1.332-1.18l13.067,0,.276.521v-.525a1.25,1.25,0,0,1,.674.155,1.4,1.4,0,0,1,.683,1.047,1.464,1.464,0,0,1-.671,1.032,1.018,1.018,0,0,1-.588.155Zm-8.414-4.964c-.664-.516-1.341-1.02-2.015-1.52l-.282-.209a1.147,1.147,0,0,1-.379-1.72,1.111,1.111,0,0,1,.916-.507,1.511,1.511,0,0,1,.9.358l1.568,1.178s3.5-4,3.688-4.218a1.414,1.414,0,0,1,1.064-.592,1.148,1.148,0,0,1,.737.282,1.113,1.113,0,0,1,.44.78,1.538,1.538,0,0,1-.465,1.111c-.582.67-2.5,2.852-2.5,2.852l-.477.537c-.418.473-.834.943-1.234,1.426a1.408,1.408,0,0,1-1.083.589A1.445,1.445,0,0,1,12076.133-6400.168Z" transform="translate(-12065.749 6411.25)" fill="#3e414d" stroke="#3e414d" stroke-width="0.5"></path></svg> </span>Annual Report
Board Of Directors
Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries, UK
BSc (Hons) in Actuarial Science, London School of Economics and Political Science
Fellow of the Mauritius Institute of Directors
Karuna Bhoojedhur-Obeegadoo was the Group Chief Executive Officer heading the SICOM Group of Companies until her retirement in September 2017. She has also worked with M&G Reinsurance Company in London (now Swiss Re) prior to joining SICOM and was appointed Actuarial Adviser to the National Pensions Fund and member of its Investment Committee.
In the past, she has served as Director on the board of several companies, including State Bank of Mauritius Ltd, National Mutual Fund Ltd, First Republic Fund Ltd, Cyber Properties Investment Ltd, Mauritius Housing Company Ltd, National Housing Development Company Ltd, China Index Fund Ltd and China Actis Ltd. She was also a Founding Member of the National Committee on Corporate Governance and the Board of Investment.
She is currently a Director on the Board of companies within the SICOM Group and is also a member of the Board of the MCB Group Ltd and of its Audit Committee, Remuneration, Corporate Governance, Ethics and Sustainability Committee and a member of the Board of MCB Equity Fund Ltd.
Board of Directors
Mr Anandsing ACHARUZ
MSc in Financial Economics, University of London
Anandsing Acharuz has assumed different responsibilities since joining the public service in 1996. He is presently Deputy Financial Secretary at the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development.
He is responsible for the coordination and preparation of the national budget, for the economic research and planning functions of the Ministry, and for the formulation of policies to ensure effective public financial management.
In view of his responsibilities, he is constantly engaged with different international organisations such as the IMF, the World Bank, the UNDP and Moody’s Investors Service.
Mr Acharuz also serves as Director on the Board of a number of public bodies and contributes to their effective financial management.
Mr Chandradeo (Sanjeev) DABEEA
BA (Hons) Business Accounting, FCCA, MBA (Financial Management)
Sanjeev is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. He also holds an MBA (Financial management) and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business Accounting from the University of Lincolnshire & Humberside (UK).
Sanjeev has over 25 years of experience in the field of accounting/finance, auditing and procurement. He started his career in an accounting and auditing firm and over the years have served various private, parastatal and public interest entities at management level and as Head of department. He is actually the Commercial Manager of State Trading Corporation as from August 2020 and prior to that has served as Manager/Head of Accounting and Finance of Airports of Mauritius Co Ltd from June 2009 to August 2020.
Sanjeev is registered as a Professional Accountant with the Mauritius Institute of Professional Accountants since January 2007, is a Member of the Mauritius Institute of Directors since 2010 and is also a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors since 2019. He has in the past served as director on the Board of State Property Development Company Limited.
Diplôme d'Etude Approfondies (DEA) in Finance
Maîtrise in Financial Management from Institut d’Administration des Entreprises (IAE),
University of Montpellier II, France
Qualified Stockbroker
Dev Gopy joined SICOM in 2001 after working for a leading local banking institution. He is responsible for managing the investments of the SICOM Group locally and overseas. He is also responsible for the loans, leasing, investment advisory and collective investment schemes businesses of the Group as well as the operations of SICOM Global Fund Limited and SICOM Management Limited.
He currently serves as Executive Director on the Boards of SICOM Financial Services Ltd and SICOM Management Limited. He is also a Director of Cyber Properties Investments Ltd and has in the past been a Director of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius Ltd and the Central Depository and Settlement Co. Ltd.
Mr Chaitanand JHEENGUN
Fellow of the Chartered Governance lnstitute UK & Ireland (ICSA)
Masters in Business Administration - Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh
Chaitanand (Rishi) JHEENGUN joined the public service in 1982 as Customs & Excise Officer at the Customs & Excise Department, Ministry of Finance. He left in 1990 to join KPMG Peat Marwick and in the same year joined the Stock Exchange of Mauritius as Administrative Officer/ Company Secretary. He was the Group Company Secretary of the Stock Exchange Ltd until 2018. He was the Head of the Trading & Market lnformation department at the Stock Exchange of Mauritius Ltd (SEM), Compliance Officer and Money Laundering Officer of SEM and member of the SEM Listing Executive Committee until February 2022.
He is presently the Company Secretary of the Central Depository & Settlement Co Ltd and Chairman of the Sugar Insurance Fund Board. He is also an executive member of the ICSA - Mauritius Branch.
Ms Shakilla Bibi JHUNGEER
Masters in International Law and Criminal Justice from the University of East London
Shakilla Jhungeer is a Barrister. She holds a Masters in International Law and Criminal Justice from the University of East London.
Ms Jhungeer attended the Bar Vocational Course (BVC) at the College of Law, London from 2009 to 2010 and was called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn in 2010 and to the Mauritius Bar Association on 20 January 2012. Ms Jhungeer has previously served as Board Member of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) from February 2015 to October 2019.
She currently serves as Director on the Boards of SBM Holdings Ltd, SBM (Bank) Holdings Ltd, SBM (NBFC) Holdings Ltd, SBM 3S Ltd, SBM Kenya Ltd and Rodrigues Duty Free Paradise Ltd.
Dr Dhanandjay KAWOL
Doctor in Business Administration
Associate member of The Chartered Governance Institute
Masters in Business Administration
Diploma in Management Studies
BSc (Hons) Crop Science and Production
Dr. Dhanandjay Kawol started his career in the Civil Service in 1991 as a Technical Officer at the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Subsequently in 1995, he was appointed as Assistant Secretary in the administrative cadre. He has served in different ministries and has reached the level of Permanent Secretary. He has also served as Chief Executive at Municipal Councils of Port Louis and Quatre Bornes from July 2006 to July 2008. Dr. D Kawol has served several Boards as ex-officio member since his assumption of duty as Assistant Secretary.
He is presently posted at the Ministry of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity (Social Security and National Solidarity Division) since 19 July 2021. He is presently also serving the following Boards, namely Ascencia Ltd, Cybercity Properties Ltd, Employees Welfare Fund, Mauritius Housing Company Ltd, National Empowerment Foundation, National Social Inclusion Foundation, the National Pensions Fund/ National Savings Fund Investment Committee and Omnicane Ltd.
Mr Varun Krishn MUNOOSINGH
MA Economics, University of Mauritius
BSc (Hons) Economics and Finance, University of Mauritius
Varun Krishn Munoosingh is currently an Assistant Permanent Secretary at the Prime Minister’s Office and is presently posted at the Private Office.
He joined the Public Service in 2015 as Civil Status Officer. He was appointed Assistant Permanent Secretary in 2017 and was previously posted at the Home Affairs Division of the Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of Defence and Rodrigues.
He has also been a Director on the Board of SBM Holdings Ltd, and a Board member of the Road Development Authority.
Mrs Nandita RAMDEWAR (Group CEO)
Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
Masters in Business Administration - specialisation in Finance, Manchester Business School
Fellow of the Mauritius Institute of Directors
Member of the International Fiscal Association (Mauritius)
Nandita Ramdewar is the Group CEO as from 1 May 2021. She joined SICOM as Manager (Finance) in 1992 after working for a leading audit firm. Since then, she has been heading several business units of the Group at senior management level and has also acted as the Company Secretary. She has acquired along the years a broad experience in insurance, strategy, finance, investments, financial services, corporate matters and other fields. In February 2018, she was appointed Deputy Group CEO, besides acting as Chief Finance Officer. She was acting as Officer-in-Charge from August 2019 to April 2021.
She currently serves as Director on the Boards of SICOM Financial Services Ltd, SICOM General Insurance Ltd, SICOM Global Fund Limited, SICOM Management Limited and National Housing Development Co Ltd. She has in the past acted as the Chairperson of the Private Secondary Schools Authority and has been a Director of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius Ltd and Central Depository and Settlement Co. Ltd.
Mrs Ushalini SHEWRAJ
Master of Business Administration
MSc in Information Technology
Ushalini Shewraj started her career in the Public Service in 1999 as a Technical Officer at the Ministry of Agriculture. In 2002, she joined the Administrative Cadre and served as Assistant Permanent Secretary, mainly at the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology and the Prime Minister’s Office.
She currently occupies the post of Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Financial Services and Good Governance. She reckons more than 20 years of experience in Public Administration and Management. During her career, she has served on various Boards and Committees.
Mr Jairaj SONOO (C.S.K)
Masters in Business Administration (MBA), University of Surrey, UK
Jairaj Sonoo is the Chairman of The State Investment Corporation Limited (SIC), the investment arm of the Government of Mauritius and holds directorship on various investee companies of SIC.
He is the NHDC Group Chief Executive Officer (Group CEO) and is an Executive Director of New Social Living Development Ltd (NSLD) which has been entrusted by Government the responsibility of constructing 12,000 residential units across Mauritius.
He is also the Chairman of the Industrial Finance Corporation of Mauritius (IFCM) Ltd which is involved in the Government action to support economic operators through various schemes implemented under budgetary measures. Mr Sonoo has spent four decades in the banking sector, at both local and international level, including 38 years at State Bank of Mauritius Ltd, in various positions. He served as the Chief Executive Officer at SBM Bank (Mauritius) Ltd from September 2012 to August 2016 and Acting Group Chief Executive at SBM Holdings from November 2014 to September 2015.
He occupied the post of Chief Executive - Overseas Expansion of SBM Holdings Ltd from August 2016 to September 2017.
During his tenure of office within the SBM Group, he was responsible for overseeing the development and execution of the Bank’s international strategy through both organic growth, merger and acquisition. He also led the acquisition of a Kenyan Bank which marked the milestone for the Group entry into East Africa.
DTOS Ltd (DTOS) is a leading management company operating in the Mauritian global business sector for the last 29 years. Founded in 1993 and licensed by the Financial Services Commission, DTOS provides a comprehensive range of professional services including amongst corporate secretarial, administration and accounting services.
DTOS has a substantial and diversified clients’ base that includes Fortune 500 multinationals, private equity firms, global banking institutions, financial powerhouses, institutional investors, family offices and High Net Worth individuals who enjoy a high degree of confidentiality established through Mauritian laws. Headquartered in the Republic of Mauritius with offices in UAE, India, China, France, Uganda and Kenya, DTOS is a leading regional expert providing business solutions to clients in Mauritius and worldwide.
Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries, UK
BSc (Hons) in Actuarial Science, London School of Economics and Political Science
Fellow of the Mauritius Institute of Directors
Karuna Bhoojedhur-Obeegadoo was the Group Chief Executive Officer heading the SICOM Group of Companies until her retirement in September 2017. She has also worked with M&G Reinsurance Company in London (now Swiss Re) prior to joining SICOM and was appointed Actuarial Adviser to the National Pensions Fund and member of its Investment Committee.
In the past, she has served as Director on the board of several companies, including State Bank of Mauritius Ltd, National Mutual Fund Ltd, First Republic Fund Ltd, Cyber Properties Investment Ltd, Mauritius Housing Company Ltd, National Housing Development Company Ltd, China Index Fund Ltd and China Actis Ltd. She was also a Founding Member of the National Committee on Corporate Governance and the Board of Investment.
She is currently a Director on the Board of companies within the SICOM Group and is also a member of the Board of the MCB Group Ltd and of its Audit Committee, Remuneration, Corporate Governance, Ethics and Sustainability Committee and a member of the Board of MCB Equity Fund Ltd.
Board of Directors
Mr Surendranath ANCHARAZ (Kiran)
Holder of an Executive MBA
Degree in Economics, Delhi University, India
Kiran Ancharaz joined SICOM General Insurance Ltd in 2019 after gaining more than twenty-two years of experience in the Insurance sector. He has a sound knowledge of General Insurance products, Underwriting, Claims and Marketing, among others. Kiran is well acquainted with most forms of distribution for insurance companies, while driving top line growth and profitability.
In his present post, Kiran is responsible for the management of the overall General Insurance Business operations of SICOM General Insurance Ltd.
Dr. Yasheel Kumar AUKHOJEE
Dr. Yasheel Kumar Aukhojee enjoys around 10 years in both public and private sectors. After gaining his medical degree, he came back to serve his motherland and joined the Public Healthcare. He also qualified as STCW and served as Ship doctor. Gaining experience both in SSRN and Dr AG Jeetoo Hospitals, Dr Aukhojee took a path to follow his passion of making healthcare reach to doorstep of each Mauritian.
He is the founding director of Médecin à domicile, the first indigenous doctor at home company. He revolutionised the healthcare delivery model and Médecin à domicile currently leads its position both as home and company doctor. Dr Aukhojee is an ardent supporter of social causes and works at the grass root level to uplift the quality of life of citizens especially the elder ones.
Mr Anandjaye CHUMMUN
Anandjaye Chummun started his career at the Valuation Division of Ministry of Finance in 1979. ln 2010, his political engagement led him to new ventures and job prospects. Since, he has been an Adviser to the Minister of Social Security and acted as a Chairperson for the CSR SICOM Foundation.
Furthermore, throughout his career, Anandjaye Chummun has been an active member of his community where he was the delegate of Valuation Office Staff Association to GSA Union, was the President of Chamouny Progressive Football Club and currently he is the Vice Chairperson for the Film Censor Board.
Mr Chandradeo (Sanjeev) DABEEA
BA (Hons) Business Accounting, FCCA, MBA (Financial Management)
Sanjeev is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. He also holds an MBA (Financial management) and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business Accounting from the University of Lincolnshire & Humberside (UK).
Sanjeev has over 25 years of experience in the field of accounting / finance, auditing and procurement. He started his career in an accounting and auditing firm and over the years have served various private, parastatal and public interest entities at management level and as Head of department. He is actually the Commercial Manager of State Trading Corporation as from Aug 2020 and prior to that has served as Manager / Head of Accounting and Finance of Airports of Mauritius Co Ltd from June 2009 to Aug 2020.
Sanjeev is registered as a Professional Accountant with the Mauritius Institute of professional Accountants as from Jan 2007, is a Member of the Mauritius Institute of Directors since 2010 and is also a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors since 2019. He has in the past served as director on the Board of State Property Development Company Limited.
Mr Chandrek DUSSOYE
Affiliate of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
BSc (Hons) Business Management, University of Mauritius
Chandrek (Nitin) Dussoye has been working in the financial sector since 2000 as Business and Financial Consultant and Financial Analyst. He also has extensive exposure to private equity financing.
He currently works as Investment Executive at the State Investment Corporation Limited where he is involved in portfolio and investment management. He has participated in the implementation of several live projects in a fast-paced investment environment and gathered experience across several economic sectors. He is also Director of some companies within the SIC Group.
Mr Vinod Kumar KOONJOO
BSc (Hons) Chemistry, Delhi University
Vinod Kumar Koonjoo has a long career in the private and parastatal sectors. He started his career as a teacher in 1982. He has also worked at the MITD and in 1994, he had introduced the National Dual System of Apprenticeship Training which is an important part of the training sector till date. In 2002, he joined the National Handicraft Promotion Agency where he promoted the local handicraft products in Europe. Vinod Koonjoo has also set up a unit for Chemtech Ltd (Medical and Signage products) in Madagascar from 2008 to 2011.
In 2011, he joined the Harel Mallac Group as the Regional Sales Manager in Tanzania and was responsible for the marketing and sale of industrial chemicals in the East African Countries. He joined the Mont Choisy Group in 2015 as the CSR Executive and served till 2020 when he retired from the Group. Since 2020 he acts as Advisor to several Property Development Companies.
Holder of a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from the University of Mumbai
José Moonien worked as the Currency Officer at the State Bank of Mauritius. Previously served at the D’Epinay Village Council as Chairperson and former district councilor at Pamplemousses District Council.
He is actually an educator teaching Maths and additional Maths at the secondary level with more than 20 years of experience and also a Member of the Regional Health Advisory Board and a Director of the JKB MOONIEN COMPANY LTD.
Mrs Nandita RAMDEWAR
Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
Masters in Business Administration - specialisation in Finance, Manchester Business School
Fellow of the Mauritius Institute of Directors
Member of the International Fiscal Association (Mauritius)
Nandita Ramdewar is the Group Chief Executive Officer as from 1 May 2021. She joined SICOM as Manager (Finance) in 1992 after working for a leading audit firm. Since then, she has been heading several business units of the Group at senior management level and has also acted as the Company Secretary. She has acquired along the years a broad experience in insurance, strategy, finance, investments, financial services, corporate matters and other fields. In February 2018, she was appointed Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer, besides acting as Chief Finance Officer. She was acting as Officer-in-Charge from August 2019 to April 2021.
She currently serves as Director on the Boards of State Insurance Company of Mauritius Ltd, SICOM Financial Services Ltd, SICOM Global Fund Limited, SICOM Management Limited and National Housing Development Co Ltd. She has in the past acted as the Chairperson of the Private Secondary Schools Authority and has been a Director of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius Ltd and Central Depository and Settlement Co. Ltd.
Mr Dharmanand Ramkallawon joined the Public Service in 1991 and has since been posted to different Ministries. In 2007, he joined the Local Government Service and occupies the post of Library Clerk at the District Council of Savanne.
Mr Ramkallawon has been a former representative of the Association of District Councils and a former Board Member of the National Library.
DTOS Ltd (‘DTOS’) is a leading management company operating in the Mauritian global business sector for the last 29 years. Founded in 1993 and licensed by the Financial Services Commission, DTOS provides a comprehensive range of professional services including amongst corporate secretarial, administration and accounting services.
DTOS has a substantial and diversified clients’ base that includes Fortune 500 multinationals, private equity firms, global banking institutions, financial powerhouses, institutional investors, family offices and High Net Worth individuals who enjoy a high degree of confidentiality established through Mauritian laws. Headquartered in the Republic of Mauritius with offices in UAE, India, China, France, Uganda and Kenya, DTOS is a leading regional expert providing business solutions to clients in Mauritius and worldwide.
Mr Oomesh Sharma MAHADU
Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
Member of the Mauritius Institute of Professional Accountants (MIPA)
Oomesh is the Finance Manager of Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd, a skills-based tertiary education institution under the aegis of the Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology. Along with being the Finance Manager, Oomesh plays a pivotal role in formulating and deployment of many strategic initiatives of his organization and contributes extensively towards the growth of Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd. His professional experience spans over 15 years with diversified experience in accounting, auditing, and financial analysis. After working more than 8 years in Big 4 Accounting Firms (Deloitte Middle East and EY) both internationally and locally, he joined the industry. He cumulates financial expertise in various fields such as real estate, construction, aviation, education, manufacturing & textiles, financial services, heavy industries, oil & gas, energy, mining, not-for-profit organizations, sports, IT companies, marketing & multimedia and trading in Mauritius and abroad.
Board of Directors
Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries, UK
BSc (Hons) in Actuarial Science, London School of Economics and Political Science
Fellow of the Mauritius Institute of Directors
Karuna Bhoojedhur-Obeegadoo was the Group Chief Executive Officer heading the SICOM Group of Companies until her retirement in September 2017. She has also worked with M&G Reinsurance Company in London (now Swiss Re) prior to joining SICOM and was appointed Actuarial Adviser to the National Pensions Fund and member of its Investment Committee.
In the past, she has served as Director on the board of several companies, including State Bank of Mauritius Ltd, National Mutual Fund Ltd, First Republic Fund Ltd, Cyber Properties Investment Ltd, Mauritius Housing Company Ltd, National
Housing Development Company Ltd, China Index Fund Ltd and China Actis Ltd. She was also a Founding Member of the National Committee on Corporate Governance and the Board of Investment.
She is currently a Director on the Board of companies
within the SICOM Group and is also a member of the Board of the MCB Group Ltd and of its Audit Committee, Remuneration, Corporate Governance, Ethics and Sustainability Committee and a member of the Board of MCB Equity Fund Ltd.
Mr Ishwarlall BONOMAULLY
Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
MSc in Finance (UOM)
Ishwarlall Bonomaully joined the former Income Tax
Department (now Mauritius Revenue Authority) where he was Inspector of Taxes for 4 years. He was also an Accountant at the Management Audit Bureau for 15 years.
During his career, he served on different boards of state-owned enterprises.
He is currently a director on the board of the Development Bank of Mauritius Ltd, State Trading Corporation and Industrial Finance Corporation of Mauritius (IFCM) Ltd. He is also Chairman of the National Resilience
Fund Management Committee, a special fund set up under the Finance and Audit Act.
Ishwarlall Bonomaully is currently Director at the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development. He is mainly responsible for the formulation
and finalisation of budgets and strategies for different sectors, the compilation of the five-year public sector investment programme and monitoring of capital projects, project appraisal and selection, and procurement policies.
MSc (Hons) in Finance from Cass Business School (UK) with specialisation in the valuation of derivatives and financial instruments
BSc (Hons) Accounting with Finance from the University of Mauritius
Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
Fellow member of the Association of the Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
Member of the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment (CISI)
Chelven Chengabroyan is a partner at NJC ASSOCIATES and a member firm of IECnet Global. Chelven has over 17 years of experience in audit and advisory services gathered both locally and internationally. Prior to this role, he was part of the management
team of Kross Border Corporate Services (rebranded as Rogers Capital) for over 1 year and a Senior Manager at Deloitte & Touche (M.E.) in United Arab Emirates (UAE) for over 6 years specialised in the financial services industry. He
is a licensed Insolvency Practitioner.
Masters in Applied Economics - specialisation in Banking and Finance
BSc Accounting with Information Systems
Mr Avinash Dreepaul is currently appointed as Lead Analyst in the Anti-Money Laundering/Combating Financing of Terrorism Unit at the Ministry of Financial Services and Good Governance. He has more than 15 years of experience in the field of public financial management, auditing and compliance, and information system.
Following his tenure in the private sector, he joined the National Audit Office in 2009. He subsequently joined the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development and he was entrusted with the responsibility of the Public Debt Management and the Public Pension Units.
Mr Dreepaul has served as director on different boards of parastatal bodies and companies. He has also represented Mauritius in several workshops and conferences.
Mr Dreepaul holds a master’s degree in Applied Economics (Specialisation: Banking and Finance) and a bachelor’s degree in Accounting with Information Systems. He has also followed the Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG) Assessors Training.
Mr Dev Kumar GOPY
Diplôme d'Etude Approfondies (DEA) in Finance
Maîtrise in Financial Management from Institut d’Administration des Entreprises (IAE)
University of Montpellier II, France
Qualified Stockbroker
Dev Gopy joined SICOM in 2001 after working for a leading local banking institution. He is responsible for managing the investments of the SICOM Group locally and overseas. He is also responsible for the loans, leasing,
investment advisory and collective investment schemes businesses of the Group as well as the operations of SICOM Global Fund Limited and SICOM Management Limited.
He currently serves as Executive Director on the Boards
of State Insurance Company of Mauritius Ltd and SICOM Management Limited. He is also a Director of Cyber Properties Investments Ltd and has in the past been a Director of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius Ltd and the Central Depository and Settlement
Co. Ltd.
Mrs Nandita RAMDEWAR (Group CEO)
Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
Masters in Business Administration - specialisation in Finance, Manchester Business School
Fellow of the Mauritius Institute of Directors
Member of the International Fiscal Association (Mauritius)
Nandita Ramdewar is the Group CEO as from 1 May 2021. She joined SICOM as Manager (Finance) in 1992 after working for a leading audit firm. Since then, she has been heading several business units of the Group at senior management level and has also acted
as the Company Secretary. She has acquired along the years a broad experience in insurance, strategy, finance, investments, financial services, corporate matters and other fields. In February 2018, she was appointed Deputy Group CEO, besides acting
as Chief Finance Officer. She was acting as Officer- in-Charge from August 2019 to April 2021.
She currently serves as Director on the Boards of State Insurance Company of Mauritius Ltd, SICOM General Insurance Ltd, SICOM Global Fund Limited,
SICOM Management Limited and National Housing Development Co Ltd. She has in the past acted as the Chairperson of the Private Secondary Schools Authority and has been a Director of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius Ltd and Central Depository and Settlement
Co. Ltd.
Mr Subiraj REEDOY
BSc Social Work (UOM)
Masters in Business Administration (MBA), University of Mauritius
LLB, University of London
Reedoy Subiraj (Ravi) is a consultant, having extensive experience in the Government services and the NGO sector. He has spent nearly 28 years in various positions in several Ministries, Government Institutions and Departments. He has joined the Sugar
Industry Labour Welfare Fund as Clerical Officer in 1991 to 1994 and subsequently was appointed as Community Development Officer up to September 2007. He was then appointed as Project Manager at the Decentralised Cooperation Programme, Ministry
of Finance and Economic Development, which was funded by the European Union to combat poverty alleviation, from 2007 to 2010.
He was appointed as Programme Coordinator at the Women and Children’s Solidarity Programme operating
under the Prime Minister’s Office from 2010 to 2011. As programme coordinator he was then entrusted the responsibility to merge two programmes namely the Special Collaborative Programme for Support to Women and Children in distress operating
under the Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare where he has been working until June 2019. He is currently a consultant working for many SMEs and NGOs for the development and sustainability of respective organisations
in terms of training, mentoring and coaching.
Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) specialization Marketing
Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE Business)
BSc (Hons) Marketing Management
Sarvesh Seeteejory started his career as Assistant Floor Manager at Discount Hyper Limited to eventually becoming Marketing Executive at the Kids Skills Ltd. Since 2012 till present, he has been imparting knowledge to students and guiding them in becoming better Mauritian Citizen as an Educator at the Bhujoharry Secondary College. Lately, he has been employed as a part time Lecturer at the Open University in the field of Marketing.
DTOS Ltd (‘DTOS’) is a leading management company operating in the Mauritian global business sector for the last 29 years. Founded in 1993 and licensed by the Financial Services Commission, DTOS provides a comprehensive range of professional services including amongst corporate secretarial, administration and accounting services.
DTOS has a substantial and diversified clients’ base that includes Fortune 500 multinationals, private equity firms, global banking institutions, financial powerhouses, institutional investors, family offices and High Net Worth individuals who enjoy a high degree of confidentiality established through Mauritian laws. Headquartered in the Republic of Mauritius with offices in UAE, India, China, France, Uganda and Kenya, DTOS is a leading regional expert providing business solutions to clients in Mauritius and worldwide.